“In the broadest sense, a ritual is the act of consciously opening ourselves to the presence of Spirit. So rituals help us connect with God, Goddess, Archangels, Celestial Beings, Elementals, Inner Guides and with our own spiritual being. Rituals give meaning to our daily life wherever we are.
The purpose of a ritual is to transform our consciousness to produce the highest good for all. In our tradition, all rituals start stating the intention or purpose at the outset, saying aloud: “The intent of this ritual is …”
Following Shakmah’s teachings, the intention comes from the heart rather than the mind or the intellect.
We use prayers, chants, words of power, invocations, mantras and visualization to bring in the energies and entities to the ritual.
Visualization is using your imagination with intent and focus to create what you want in your life.
Mantras are words with a particular mystical meaning. The repetition of a mantra delivers the mind from its material attachments. It is recommended to do a mantra at least for fifteen minutes. Mantra meditation is the spiritual technique of repeating a pure sound vibration (mantra).
Yet, it is the invocation that empowers your ritual. Likened to the body of a ship, your Invocation is the motor, Mantra is the stern and Movement is the body of water in which the ship sets sail.
We always signal the end of the ritual with a closing prayer.